Welcome to Brooklawn Dental Health Center In practice since 1961

Brooklawn Dental Health Center, established in 1961, has been serving the Greater New Bedford community for over 60 years. We are proud to be providing family dental care for four generations of patients.

Dr. Christopher Marco , Dr. Aaron Campini and Dr. Christa Coscia have a team of dedicated long term employees who work together to provide high-quality comprehensive care. We are  committed to helping you prevent dental problems and achieve a healthy, beautiful and confident smile.

You will love the warm, friendly staff, and relaxing office environment which will help you and your family feel comfortable and at ease when you visit our office.

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Meet Us

Christopher L. Marco, DMD

Aaron C. Campini, DMD

Christa C. Coscia, DMD

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559 Ashley Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02745
(508) 995-5105
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